Background Color - #e69138 makes a nice old paper-like look, but any color could in theory work, so long as it has good contrast. I recommend using a fresh Roll20 page in your game, and configuring it with the following settings: Size - Any, but expect to expand it as your players push the boundaries. Next comes the things to set up in your game. They're my own adaptation of the rules suggested in the DMG, but altered for a little bit more ease of management, and to add in some functions that aren't mentioned specifically. I am planning on running this campaign in a 5e game, so my house rules are specific to that system. Next, I came up with some rules for handling travel. These represented a lot of common-ish terrain types for DnD, and gave me enough variety to create some interesting terrain. First, I compiled a bunch of art assets to use in making my map. I wanted to share my process in the hopes it may help others seeking to do similar kinds of RPG games. I was really excited to finally figure out a good way to be able to make and maintain my Hex Crawl maps in Roll20, enabling me to expand the map as I go and let my players freely explore.